Wiltshire College and University Centre 2022 graduation

More than 100 students from Wiltshire College & University Centre walked in procession toward Salisbury Cathedral and came out smiling after their 2022 graduation.

This year’s ceremony welcomed graduates across 28 qualifications from Wiltshire College campuses at Salisbury, Chippenham, Lackham, Trowbridge, and Castle Combe.

Among the total 110 graduates, some students graduated from programmes awarded by partner universities Bournemouth University, Oxford Brooks University, and the University of Greenwich.

The procession, led by guest speaker Cllr Richard Clewer and college principal & CEO Iain Hatt, left Salisbury Playhouse and arrived at the Cathedral Close at 10.45am on Friday, October 21.

Watch the procession live

Following the hour-and-a-half ceremony, students filed into the cathedral grounds for celebratory pictures.

Conall Reese, of Swindon, studied environmental science at Wiltshire College & University Centre.

He likened the ceremony to a “well put together, well-oiled machine”, adding: “It was absolutely quality. Everyone was supportive and it was a real joy to be a part of.”

Salisbury Journal: Conall Reese outside Salisbury CathedralConall Reese outside Salisbury Cathedral (Image: Jordan Elkins)

The 26-year-old said he moved to Carlisle to work in maintenance forestry to have a “physical difference” on the environment. He also wanted to thank his head lecturer Adam Harper.

“Big shoutout to Adam. We did it through Covid and he kept up enjoyment levels,” added Conall.

Louise Gover studied operations management and attended the graduation ceremony with her husband Dan. She works at the Alzheimer’s Support Wiltshire daycare in Warminster.

Louise said: “It’s a lovely venue and I’m pleased to have finished. I’d like to thank my workplace and family.”

Salisbury Journal: Louise and Dan GoverLouise and Dan Gover (Image: Jordan Elkins)

Kieran Joslin studied film at Wiltshire College & University Centre and was celebrating with his family. 

Hoping to become “fairly successful” and break into the industry, he said: “I’d like to thank everyone for helping me to pursue my dream.”

Salisbury Journal: Ethan, Audrey, Kieran and Paul JoslinEthan, Audrey, Kieran and Paul Joslin (Image: Jordan Elkins)

Graduation returned to Salisbury Cathedral last year after a year off due to Covid in 2020. Wiltshire College & University Centre held two ceremonies to honour 2020 and 2021 graduates last year.

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