Georgina Jackman celebrated her birthday earlier in August, but gathered on Friday, August 30 for a night of celebrations – with a twist. As a huge Bridgerton fan, she, alongside her friends, dressed up and had their picture taken outside Wilton House.
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Georgina said: “Season three came out, and me and my friends had a showing evening. I’d said for my birthday I’m going to do a party, and my friend Charlene decided to throw me a Bridgerton themed birthday party because she knows I’m a big fan!”
The group started their evening at the Pembroke Arms, before getting their photo and heading into Salisbury for the night.
Georgina added: “We popped over to Wilton house for a few pics outside the gates and finished up dancing the night away in town. Charlene Leverton organised the other mums to dress up as Bridgerton characters and we all had a great night.
“Looking forward to getting an invite to be a film extra! I wish!”
Wilton House has been one of the filming locations for Bridgerton since 2019.